Detlev Six about himself!

Von six

Here comes Detlev Six. We already know him well from his article “Uniform Manager” and the  Radio Philosophy“. Welcome to the team, Detlev! Here is what he says about himself:

“Please allow me to introduce myself:  I’m a man of wealth and taste”, this is how Lucifer introduces himself in the Rolling Stones song „Sympathy For The Devil“. Those among you who are old enough will remember the song well. Having been asked by Roland Dürre to introduce myself, I feel tempted to imitate Lucifer. To be sure, one should not blow one’s own trumpet, but with everything people write about themselves these days, the proverb seems hardly appropriate any more. What you should know about me (this demand in itself is already an outrage against which you should protest, nobody can tell you what you should do) can be read in my texts (on radio philosophy – which I write with Klaus Grün – and the Ethics Hit Parade). What you never wanted to know about me anyway is the boring opposite of what is said in the lyrics of „Sympathy For The Devil“. (A truly interesting text and I am sure it was not because of the name that Rolling Stones Magazine awarded the title 32th best rock song of all times to this album. It is about time you listened to it again).

(translated by Evelyn Gemkow)


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