Risk: Where are you going to spent thisChristmas?
HL: Well, one thing is certain: far away from you.
Risk: Aren’t you putting distance between me and you already all the time?
HL: Yes, you can say that, ever since Lehmann.
Risk: At the time, you were still liable.
HL: But afterwards…
Risk: Yes, I know. I came up with the trick of calling it systemic.
HL: I certainly appreciate it very much.
Risk: You always envied me, didn’t you?
HL: You can say that again. You were always the one who partied and I was the one who had to clean after you.
Risk: Well, I did not think the job-sharing was too bad.
HL: Let sleeping dogs lie. Ever since I separated from you, I am feeling just great.
Risk: Can you believe all the things they do in order to tame me? Transaction tax, rescue umbrellas, Euro Bonds …
HL: …yes, it is really great. They totally forgot me.
Risk: Aren’t you afraid they might some day remember you?
HL: Who? Me? The old no-nonsense type?
Risk: Are you telling me there is a banker hidden in every one of them?
HL: Indeed! Who would not not like gambling and having the state fix it afterwards?
Risk: But who is going to be liable for the state?
HL: Exactly. That is why you never saw me today! I am making myself scarce for good.
(Translated by EG)