My windmill has been turned off, all that is still running is the small measuring wheel, but still the funny stuff keeps rolling in. According to a Handelsblatt article, you get 300 different feeding-in rates for solar energy.
Just like in the days of subsidies by Brussels for the made-up EU farmer, those who now produce electric energy according to the EEG (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) can feed the network without ever having to waste a single thought about how the product will be sold.
From the outset, the model was deficient. You cannot allow production without including a responsibility for the network.
Wherever a market abolishes the price regulation by guaranteeing sales, it will be flooded. If you include the Bonn network regulation authorities in the picture, you get a structure-o-gram resembling the classical planned economy.
It is about time to force all those who produce alternative electric energy to take some responsibility. Because you can no longer call it a margin note of the market if, for instance, Bavaria wants to get 50% of its electric energy from renewable sources.
Since those who produce alternative energy, for technological reasons, cannot participate in the network regulation, they will have to be made to share in the expenses. After all, what they produce cannot be sold without networks. If you want to know how to include wind-parks into network regulation, read about it at the IWES – Fraunhofer Institut für Windenergieforschung.
I see matters totally different where some citizens strive towards getting energetically autonomous. Intelligent own consumption – without networks – is as nice as my personal vegetable garden.
Network autonomy – socially, energetically and ecotrophically – is a wonderful idea. It is as refreshing as Roman philosophers taking refuge on the Greek islands in summer time. Unfortunately, however, this leads us directly to out next subsidy theme. Günter Öttinger, Europe commissioner for energy, wants to have solar energy produced in Greece for Italy: well, the concept will be easily acceptable for the Greeks – as long as someone pays the bills.
(Translated by EG)