Advent Calendar – December, 16th

Another 8 nights before Christmas!

Today, we see the InterFace Christmas Card in the window of my advent calendar.

Weihnachten 2009 By rights, the card should already have arrived at our customers’ homes. However, we counted the chicken before they hatched: due to an error the source of which is impossible to trace, the contacts in our outlook/exchange program have become all jumbled up.

Nothing was as it should be. Of course, we only discovered this when all envelopes were sealed and ready for delivery, including addresses. Murphy’s law …

Now 850 multiple hand-signed Christmas Cards wait for being sent on their way. And our FOCS team is busy repairing the program. Most of the data are retrieved already.

I hope we will be finished by tomorrow evening – and I hope that the Christmas cards will be carried to the post office on Thursday and then arrive at our customers’ homes  in time for Christmas.

Nobody is perfect! And whatever can go wrong will some times go wrong.

(Translated by EG)

The Christmas Card represents one of the pictures by Andrea Hiller that also serves as decoration for our office. Being squarish, it is ideally suited for framing and hanging up.


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