brand eins in December – Unpredictable!

A Family’s Economy

always associate in life – so I am also doing it with the newest “brand eins” edition.


I like that! After all, I am currently writing an article on Operation Research (OR) and entrepreneurial research. According to Wikipedia, it is the same thing. I, however, would demand that entrepreneurial research be more concerned with leadership and entrepreneurial culture than with trying to force enterprises to follow mathematical models, like OR.

The Family’s Economy

Naturally, family is important for me. What would I be without? Especially as an entrepreneur, I find family great: a family is nothing other than a small enterprise and you – especially if you are a woman – need quite a bit of entrepreneurial spirit in order to start one.
But follow me through the magazine:

When starting to read the magazine – after a few short forest roads – sorry – that is: short articles, I find the “Good Question” on page 16.

Who will profit from the reversal of the nuclear phase-out?

To me, the article looks very informative, providing us with several answers. Yet the losers are named rather pointedly, which makes it obvious to me how problematic the reversal of the nuclear phase-out is. But who knows, maybe there will soon be a reversal of the reversal of the nuclear phase-out…

After having started reading in the magazine, I glide over what economy does until I reach the first summits of the focal point family. In this section, my brains are challenged quite a bit, for instance with the EQUATION WITH UNKNOWNS (page 56),  THE CLAN-CHIEF (page 74), TOLERANCES (page 80), THE PLACE OF YEARNING (page 84) or THE OUTSOURCTED KID  (page98).

Still, there is plenty left for me to do before I will finally arrive in the higher mountain regions with “What is Good for Entrepreneurs and What Moves People. Eventually, I am at the end of all the 162 pages.

By now, I will have managed to read 12 issues of “brand eins” in 2010 – and can look forward to the 2011 issues.

(Translated by EG)


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