The Christmas Party of 2009 at InterFace AG (Report)

Weih.All2After a tiring day at our office in Unterhaching – although our Open Space had been true fun, it had cost quite a bit of stamina, too – we went on to the InterFace Christmas party of the year 2009 at the Augustiner Bürgerheim last Friday.

This year, we really had reason for celebrating. All data indicate that 2009 will again – as was 2008 already – be the best business year of our entire history. In other words: we will even top the results of 2008. Mind you, we are talking a crisis year!

Weih-ThomasConsequently, we scheduled the oh-so-important-speakers for the early evening hours, so we could really concentrate on celebrating afterwards.

The highlight of the evening was the tribute we paid to our two persons celebrating their anniversaries, Lars Schmiedeberg (who started on August, 1st, August 1984) and Klaus Lukschick-Painter (who has been with us since September, 18th, 1984). In other words: 25 years, since they first joined us in the year InterFace was founded.

Weihnacht-EhrIn our fast-moving times, 25 years are something special. That is also why we honoured them in a special way.

They both received a nice certificate with a precious wooden frame (cherry tree antique) and were given a jubilee bonus the amount of which remains undisclosed 🙂 .

Weih-JubilareAs an outstanding symbol of their excellence, they were both crowned with a fresh wreath of laurels. Due to my nervousness, I put the wreaths on their heads the wrong way. How embarrassing.

The laurels were meant to symbolize what outstanding service these two colleagues have rendered to the company. And, in a small way, they are also meant to remind us that we must never lean back on our 🙂 past achievements.

Weih-RolAfter the speakers had finished, we really started the show. Music and good food, wine and the best beer brewed in or capital city. Incidentally, Augustiner is the only big brewery in Munich not owned by an international conglomerate.
Music was provided by the Christian-Schumacher-Trio (CST).
WeihMusikMichael Eichele played the double-bass and Jochen Enthammer worked away on the drums. Christian (as always the boss at the piano) had brought two guests for reinforcements: Knud Mensing at the guitar was an outstanding support for the trio and, of course, even more so was Eva Escher, a singer who is not entirely an unknown quantity in Munich.

While we were busy eating, the orchestra started in muted tones with unobtrusive background music. But shortly before 10 p.m., they really got into the spirit.

Weih-EscherEva rushed into the hall and rocked like crazy. And eager dancers spent half an hour on the dance floor. It turned out to be a long night, accompanied by the sound of timeless blues and jazz.

Allegedly, the last guests left around 3.30 a.m. – when I already lay slumbering in my bed.

The cosy atmosphere of the “Bürgerheim”, a really classical Bavarian pub that could easily become synonymous for “Münchener Gemütlichkeit”, also contributed to the success of the evening.

On the whole, it was a really great Blue Friday with a beautiful celebration at the year’s end of 2009. And we look forward to all the occasions for celebrating in 2010.

(Translated by EG)

Again, the beautiful pictures were taken by Rolo Zollner. I am sure you remember that he also took the pictures of our celebration in 2008.


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