How About a Totally Different Candidate for Federal President?

Here is my idea of the weekend!

Some way or other, I more and more tend towards Edwin’s (E2E) opinion (Meinung) that you should not be quite as fast to desert the highest office of the state as “our” Federal President Horst Köhler was. It looked a little like desertion (Fahnenflucht).

Hard times, in particular, are the times when you have a responsibility. Basically, you can only disclaim it for very compelling reasons. And then, these reasons should be openly and truthfully given.

Anyway, to me it seems like the entire office of the Federal President has been deteriorating during the last few years because of the political habits and the abuse by the party (Oligarchie).

So here is what I propose:

Why not let the people (s)elect their own candidate for Federal President?

The institutional Federal President cannot be elected by the people. After WW2, the allied representatives (probably justly) were afraid the Germans might again vote “traditional”. That is why they insisted on the Federal President being elected by an “electoral college”, instead of directly. And the parties with their oligarchic structures took advantage of this and discredited the entire office.

Consequently, it would only be logical for all the people to elect an alternative Federal President and put him up against the “official” one. This president could do everything the “official” Federal President should but cannot do because of party pressures. And since he would be democratically elected, there would be no doubt about his being legitimate.

Perhaps organizing the elections for an alternative Federal President would be an ideal activity for the pirate party. After all, the ÖDP, too, did some quite intelligent positioning when it came to the plebiscite on a “smoke-free” Bavaria.

And at least the preliminary choice of candidate could easily be done through internet.

(Translated by EG)


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