The InterFace AG Today.

For all those of you who do not yet know the InterFace AG, I published a current text version of the introduction to our enterprise on IF-Open.

Reading the text will give you a nice concept of what exactly we do, what sort of enterprise culture we strive towards and why we make an effort on a daily basis.

For me, this is a welcome opportunity to introduce my three fellow managing directors and thank them very much for their great cooperation in the team.

On the left corner, you see Dr. Christof Stierlen, our director for strategic planning. He has now been with InterFace for more than two years and is in charge of the sector IT applications.

The next man on his right is Maximilian Buchberger, our sales director. He can already look back on 10 years with us and is responsible for our IT infra structure.

Thomas Vallon – whom you can see standing next to me on the picture – and yours truly go back almost 20 years. Thomas Vallon is our director of personnel and organization. Consequently, he is also the boss of all our IT organization consultants.

I wish to give voice to my most sincere thanks to the three of you!

And here is a special greeting to Maximilan today: Happy Birthday!

(Translated by EG)

The picture was taken yesterday by Johannes Naumann on the staircase of InterFace AG. And we all obediently played models.:-)And in the process, we learned what a hard job “posing as a model” can be.


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