New If Blog Author

Hurrah, we have a new author on our team:

Klaus. D. Hnilica

I am truly delighted about our so far “guest author” of Carl and Gerlinde, Klaus. D. Hnilica, agreeing to write a sequel of his “Carl and Gerlinde” series every two to four weeks.

Klaus is a friend of Detlev Six (SIX and DETSIX) and was first introduced to IF Blog by him. Many thanks to Detlev! Because Detlev not only persuaded Klaus to write for us, he will also teach him how to use workpress!

But read what our new IF Blog author says about himself:

A Life – Centres of Gravity and Levity

I was born on December, 13th, 1941 in Vienna. After the war, however, my family fled to stay with the farming part of our relatives in Upper Austria. Later, I went back to Vienna, where I was subjected to an education as a textile engineer.

Since I had neither any talent for knitting nor working needles, I decided to become Einstein and studied Theoretical Physics at the “Technischen Hochschule” of Vienna, in particular focussing on elementary particle theory.
At the same time, I took anthroposophically oriented speech lessons, played in cellar theatres in Vienna, recited texts by young authors and tried my luck with therapeutic acting with handicapped persons.

In 1969, I graduated in Physics, served my time in the Austrian army and went to Germany (Hanau) with my wife Brigitte, where I worked for an RWE concern (NIS Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH) to earn my meagre living as a nuclear physicist.

To be sure, I had put some distance between Einstein and myself, but at least now I had the opportunity to help establish a newly founded RWE enterprise in the field of nuclear energy. My professional stages were like everybody else’s: starting as an administrator, I went through being shop chairman, department head, authorized officer, head of business area – until, after the re-unification, I also became managing director of a subsidiary company in Rheinsberg.
I travelled a lot, both in Germany and abroad, published plenty of technological articles and gave many presentations. I also wrote three unpublished novels…

My family was always very important to me and we were really lucky with our two children. Currently, our daughter is teaching architectural theory at Dortmund University and our son, who is a sociologist, improves the world among the “Greens” in Heidelberg!

I retired in 2007. Now I concern myself with philosophy, write my fourth novel and many stories and, with other authors, founded the Hanau “Group of Authors Twenty-Ten”. At long last, in the wake of Einstein, I now met Carl and Gerlinde. And now I also met Roland Dürre’s IF Blog. Let’s wait and see how that will work out…

Klaus Hnilca

Dear Klaus, we are truly delighted to have you on board. Welcome on the IF Blog team.

And if you feel like publishing another one of your stories on top of “Carl and Gerlinde” in our blog, be assured that you are more than welcome!

(Translated by EG)


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