Entrepreneur’s Diary #58 – The Facts Manager

In the general assembly, his throne is the director’s dais. Or else, he will sit at the president’s table during the meeting of members. He is the boss and his line is strict. Of course, al he does is exclusively in the best interest of the enterprise or the club. He is a “facts manager”. The world is paved with them, he is certainly not the last of his kind.

There is a problem. Emotions rise. No problem. The “facts manager” knows what actions will have to be taken. With an air of superiority, he will tell everybody about leadership. He knows the truth, he is always informed. It is quite easy to do the managing. All you have to do is collect information. The next step is to evaluate them. This is how you will eventually know all about a situation!

Then a decision is made. No time is lost, everything is logical – totally factual and devoid of emotions. You have to break an egg to make an omelette. If there are reservations or differing opinions, you have to ignore them. Decisions must be put into practice. Collateral damage is something you must accept. Once in a while, you just have to sell your own grandmother. Simply in the interest of the good cause. It is quite easy to understand, isn’t it?

Woosh! That is how I feel. How can anybody say it is all quite easy? What a wonderful idea: do not think too much, but make clear texts.

“Facts managers” still live in the first half of the last century. Clubs and enterprises are their playgrounds and they have to function like programmed machines. You take your place at the lever of power and control them. What a pity that you need humans. Aren’t they just a hindrance? Consequently, they have to adapt themselves to the organization. If necessary, they will have to be adapted.

A “facts manager” could not care less about clubs and enterprises first and foremost being there for their members, employees and customers. Neither is he interested in the fact that they feel only worth existing if given meaning. The self-preservation of the system is the highest value. The end in itself becomes the meaning.

All the talk about “social systems” and the nonsense about humanity are anathema to the “facts manager”. Giving yourself meaning and culture are not part of his vocabulary. Humans are aliens in the system. After all, they are only a hindrance.
Both in the club and in the enterprise, what is most important is that the system can gain additional power. There is no space for super-sensitiveness. Why be considerate?

After all, this is about power and the preservation of the system. Nothing else matters. A good system, be it club or enterprise, must be “manageable”! The organisation must be structured in such a way that it can be controlled rationally and with minimum effort.

And at night, the “facts manager” sleeps the sleep of the just and dreams of a healthy fascism.

(Translated by EG)

Of course, the facts manager is totally fictional. Similarities with living or dead persons are totally coincidental.

For more articles of my entrepreneur’s diary, click here: Drehscheibe.


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