Video vom letzten IF-Forum jetzt auf Youtube verfügbar.

Am Dienstag, den 13. November ab 18:00, war Wilfried Bommert vom WDR unser Gast bei der InterFace AG in Unterhaching. Er hat den dritten und letzten Vortrag im IF-Forum 2012 zum Thema „Nachhaltig (über-)leben“ gehalten:

Boden gut machen!
Wie die Krise der Welternährung abgewendet werden kann.

Hier ist sie, die Aufnahme vom Vortrag von Herrn Bommert!


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Viel Spaß beim Zuschauen!


Eine Antwort

  1. Yes, the talk was very good. It started with a clear explanation of the disaster that is coming within decades. The end was optimistic only for developed nations. It concentrated on means to delay the disaster by a few years. I see this as optimistic, since the politicians and the bulk of the population are largely ignoring the problems. The end also hinted strongly that Europe will need to make itself a fortress against much of the rest of the world, but did not go into the horror of such a situation.
    It is ironic that Roland mentions “Wienern und Leberkäs” after the talk, since even Europe will have to greatly reduce meat consumption. Perhaps Metzger Schlammerl sponsors these events? (I must admit that I enjoyed a Leberkäs-Semmel).
    Herr Bommert may also have been slightly embarrassed to be “paid” in coffee. Germans drink huge amounts of coffee that comes from land that could be used to produce food.

    The last copy of New Scientist explains that the climate change has accelerated drastically in the last 5 years. It now looks like being worse than the “worst case” predicted 10 years ago. CO2 production is still increasing. Germany, with a better record than most, is closing down nuclear power stations and subsidising coal!

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