What Annoys Me #33 – Having to Fill in the Same Form Every Evening When Travelling.

Now I just rode my bike through Germany for three days coming from Switzerland. I stayed overnight with a friend and twice in a hotel. First with Wolf in Rorschach, then in two normal tourist hotels in Oberstaufen and Füssen.

And every evening on arriving at the hotel, I had to fill in a form at the check-in: last name, first name, date of birth, home address, date of birth and first name of my wife.

However, I did not have to do it when I stayed with my friend. So why was that? After all, I spent the night in Rorschach, didn’t I? Don’t you have to fill in a form if you have private accommodation? And can anybody tell me why not? Why we only have to do this in a hotel? After all, the chance of me being a potential danger to the state will not change if I stay in a hotel.

Incidentally, whenever I offer people to stay overnight with us – and I often have guests who stay overnight – I do not let them fill in a form, either. Neither do I register them anywhere. I wonder if, being a law-abiding citizen, I should do it?

Since I often travel, I often have to fill in these forms. It is unnecessary work. I used to believe that the data are all in my passport. As well as on many of my small plastic cards in these small chips. Consequently, you should think people can read them from there, can’t they? At least this would be a way to avoid having to take up a biro and soiling paper. After all, I already know my date of birth and my home address, so I need not practice writing them.

Incidentally, all of this seems quite useless to me. Basically, all the world knows at all times where I was and where I am. Consequently, having to fill in all those forms is just bureaucratic harassment.

Of course, filling in forms is particularly absurd if I look at my smartphone in the morning. It talks back to me, telling me each morning where exactly I am, what the weather is like outside, and much more. And there are many more applications which always know exactly where I am at what time.

Regardless, I will probably have to fill in the form in the future just as always. Totally useless. Like so many other things in our world.

🙂 Well, basically, it is not something I get really annoyed with. It is just stupid.

So what? I will just continue to fill in forms.…

(Translated by EG)


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