Getting Rid Of Plastic Waste!

Günther Bonin and OneEarth-OneOcean – against plastic waste

I met him last Thursday on the F.R.E.E at Munich Fairground. My old friend Günther Bonin, with whom I have played soccer for easily 30 years now. He was on the fair with a booth, advertising “his” OneEarth-OneOcean.

Günter is also past fifty. And he decided that he wanted to do something that really gives purpose to his life. Consequently, he founded this non-profit club.

Together with friends, he wants to free the soil – and being a passionate sailor, in particular the oceans of this planet – from plastic waste and its terrible aftermath. He and his team developed ingenious ideas and designed great projects.

There is plenty of support. For instance, OneEarth-OneOcean already received a generous donation by a leading telecommunications firm. And the number of comrades in arms increases all the time.

I, too, support Günther and OneEarth-OneOcean.

As I see it, every one of us can – and must! – do something. Because we have to make nature free of all that plastic.

But just as important:

We should avoid for plastic waste to be created. Because we really do not need it. And as we all know: prevention is better than healing.

Consequently, there is something that no longer exists in my life:

Yoghurt that comes in plastic containers, drinks that come in plastic bottles and “over-packed” food. And other plastic nonsense.
And instead of shampoos, shaving foam, deodorants and men’s cosmetics, I only use soap from my soap dish. It produces just as much foam and smells just as nice. See also my articles Plastikmüll (plastic waste) and Ausgeschleckt (No More Schleck)!

(Translated by EG)

As I was looking for OneEarth-OneOcean, I also found OneWorld-OneOcean. That does not sound bad, either.


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