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BILD0981As of yesterday, I have exchanged the Mediterranean wildlife for the urban cultural life of the pre-alpine south-east of Munich.

Part of civilization is news, which I heard again for the first time in three weeks yesterday night (8 p.m. on Radio, Bayern 2, between two “ Zündfunk” programmes).

What I remember is:

  • Federal Chancellor Merkel wants to clarify “what happened” in the Kundus region completely,
  • Federal Minister of the Interior Schäuble does not want to give the public free access to the secret documents kept by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution on the Buback murder,
  • Mr. President Obama tells students that they should not skip school,
  • The American right-wing conservatives take pains trying to disassemble him,
  • A new legislation was passed giving the Federal Assembly and State Assembly more voice when Europe-related themes are discussed,
  • Which is supposed to make ratification of the Europe contract easier.

And a new nature awareness forest track has been opened in Bavaria (I believe near Zwiesel). It is possibly the longest of its kind: through the forest at a height of 25 metres.
I find this nature awareness forest track quite interesting. The rest is the same old story as always.

And I also started the daily routine at home with a mistake: this morning I went out without gloves. It was rather cold for my hands. After all, the way from Ottobrunn to Unterhaching is at a geographic height of 555 metres. Welcome home!

(Translated by EG)


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