Train Accident in Saxony-Anhalt

I have been a railway fan from early adolescence. If someone had asked me if there are still railroad tracks in Germany without INDUSI (Germany was the first nation to introduce it in 1934), I would have considered it impossible. The only places where I would have believed it are probably in the Balkan and Africa.

Now I am reading at MDR:

Magnetic brake systems are legally required only at speeds higher than 100 kilometres per hour. On the way between Magdeburg and Halberstadt, these emergency brake systems near missed stop signals have not yet been installed everywhere, because the speed limit is 80 kilometres per hour.

I find this atrocious. We all know that humans sometimes fail. And it happens all the time that a train not equipped with INDUSI misses a signal. And if this happens on a one-track line, the probability of an accident is quite high.

77 years have gone by since 1934. And the Berlin wall was torn down more than 20 years ago. And still there are some trains in Germany going on one-track lines without INDUSI. Basically, this is unbelievable.
Whatever did they use my “Soli” for?

(Translated by EG)


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